Showing posts with label Undies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Undies. Show all posts

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Letter U Week

Letter U Week
Our themes this week included
Under, Umbrellas, the USA and

We created umbrella art.

We used bleach to simulate raindrops.

We talked a lot about undies!
When you are five years old
are hilarious!

Our literacy center featured several books about underwear.

Did you know that aliens love underpants?

They do!  They really do!

We talked about the United States Of America.

We made USA flags

and worked on one to one correspondence.

We worked on making equal and unequal sets.

We painted using utensils.

We had a busy week.
Our Halloween Party was on Thursday.
It was a blast.

Next week we are talking about Letter C!