Showing posts with label Gumballs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gumballs. Show all posts

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Letter G Week

Letter G Week
Our themes this week included 
Giraffes, Gorillas and Gumballs.

The literacy center featured the book, Giraffes Can't Dance.

We discussed non fiction facts about giraffes
and created giraffes in the art center.

These gentle giants are great!

Of course, we also constructed pattern block giraffes
because I LOVE pattern blocks!

We also did a few activities with gumballs!

We estimated and graphed our gooey gumballs.

We collaged gumball machines!

We created patterns using paper gumballs.
Then WE ATE gumballs!!!

Our literacy center also featured, Good Night Gorilla

and wrote about the book!

Then we painted gorillas and I think they look GRAND!

What a great week.
We also did a unit on Green Eggs and Ham.  
It was so much fun!
(I posted our Green Eggs and Ham Unit back in December.)

(Spell check keeps trying to tell me that GUMBALL is TWO words.  I 
always thought it was one word so if I am incorrect please excuse my mistake!)

I am Grateful for this Great job!