Showing posts with label Bears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bears. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Letter B Week

Letter B Week was a BLAST!

Our themes included 
blueberries, bees, bears and birthdays.

Our literature center featured books about bees.

We wrote non fiction facts about bees.

We created bees in the art center.

Aren't they beautiful?

We described and tasted fresh and frozen blueberries.

We crushed the blueberries and painted with their juice.

We practiced skip counting by twos using blueberries.

Our literature center featured the book, 
Blueberries For Sal.

We wrote storyboards about the book!

Our literacy center also featured bears
and the book, Bear Snores On.

We used gummy bears for several math activities.

We constructed bears with pattern blocks.

We painted bears

and acted out a poem about bears.

We compared bears and bees.

On Friday we celebrated with our
Bear Birthday Bash.

Our literacy center featured two books,
Arthur's Birthday and It's My Birthday.

The children described birthdays in the language center.

We graphed our favorite thing about our birthdays.

We had lots of bears join us for our celebration.
We made birthday birthday crowns for our special guests.

We decorated cupcakes for snack.

You can NEVER have too many 
sprinkles on your cupcake.

 We sang Happy Birthday and blew out the candles!

Happy Birthday everyone!

Next week letter R!